Academic writing

When my children were aged 3 and 5, they were the perfect age to conduct a little psychology experiment. The “false-belief task” is one psychologists have used to study the development of our understanding that other people have different perspective, beliefs and knowledge from our own. Psychologists call this understanding a “theory of mind”, a term coined by psychologist David Premack in the 1970s. 

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This post was previously published here on ArtsHub.

Experts say Australia is in the midst of a loneliness epidemic and it represents a serious public health problem. In response, research and service delivery experts have joined forces and there have been calls in Australia to follow in the footsteps of the UK to create a Loneliness portfolio. Another path recommended in the UK that Australia may follow is social prescribing, where GPs and allied health professionals refer clients on to non-clinical services and community groups – for example an art class, singing, drumming or dance class.

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This post was previously published here on Flying Solo.

The advice that if you “do something you love you will never work a day in your life” is variously attributed to Confucius, Marc Anthony or Mark Twain. Regardless who lays claim to it originally, it is a common sentiment. In recent years though it has come under scrutiny as being an empty promise peddled by self-help gurus and motivational speakers. But the idea is real and familiar to many solo business owners, who take the plunge to follow their passions.

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What is a life well-lived? Most of us would say we aspire to experience wellbeing, but does this mean the same to all of us?

Positive psychology is a popular branch of psychology that explores happiness and wellbeing. It emerged in the late 1990’s out of earlier traditions such as humanistic psychology, which focus on maximising human potential rather than treating maladaptive thought and behaviour.

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The concept of creativity has been explored from many angles in psychology, including creativity and intelligence, personality traits and psychopathology. Even the definition of creativity constitutes a large body of literature. A common definition of creativity is something that requires novelty and usefulness, authenticity and aesthetic appeal (Thomson & Jaque, 2017).

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The following is a Q&A with The Neighbourhood Clinic.

You’ve lead a pretty diverse life, prior to being a psychologist what did you do?

I have been keen enough on psychology to have done fourth year psychology twice in my life! After the first time I worked as a change management consultant, working with public sector, manufacturing and finance industry clients on cultural change and large scale program implementation.After doing FIFO for too long, I decided the corporate life was not for me, and quit to start a dance studio. For close to a decade I was a performer, dance teacher, and business owner. I ran a dance studio and entertainment agency with another dancer, that started on St Georges Road before moving to Fitzroy.

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